When a goat climbs up a very steep cliff and never came back but WHY ?

I put myself into a very bad goat hunting a few months back.

 looking it was really stupid! I was side hilling some shale and came up on a decent cliff that i saw some goats group and over ans I started up it as it was only 30 feet high off the shale. about half way up I got stuck, frozen realizing I could not go up or down as this was happening some goats were above me breaking rocks loose that were falling right past me.....I eventually picked my way down the 15 or 20 feet. I know that does not look high but it felt like i was a million feet up! Ill never forget the nervousness and anxiety that came over me! It really was a scary situation! I have not hunted goats yet but get up in their places often and take pics and it always amazes me of what they are capable of.

Well, Actually Mountain Goats are creatures who evolved to live in mountainous environments to avoid predators. Wide open spaces, and terrain to challenging for other creatures are what protect them.

Generally goats are not prone to falling, as they are in their natural environment and have evolved to be good climbers. The bad climbers, don't tend to reproduce. What makes them such talented climbers is their hooves. The near 90 degree angle, and stiff cartilage gives them a solid, adjustable surface from which they can adjust their balance, and applying wide levels of force. The steep angle also allows them to make use of narrow ledges, and sharp features that paws, and clumsier appendages would slip off of.

When you look at modern rock climbing footwear we have the same square, nearly vertical 
Mountain goats are amazing. They can climb super high on really steep cliffs.
They hang out on mountaintops for most of the time.
Mountain goats are only found in North America, concentrated around the Rocky Mountains.

i am sure that mostly goat have fallen to their deaths but they are one of the most sure footed animals in the world.

As you can see in picture, goat is climbing vertical upward on mountain side. This makes its very difficult but they can do it and more than a few mountain goat and sheep hunters have fallen to their death while stalking those animals.


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