What scientific photos are hard to believe but are indeed real?

         It's not an Eye; It's Jupiter closeup photo 

This incredible image was actually created by citizen scientists using raw data collected from the NASA Juno spacecraft. With some color enhancement, the final product is something akin to a work of art. 
Amazing to think that the chaos of Jupiter's atmosphere could be so beautiful.

       The sea squirts are truly stunning

This closeup image of several Sea Squirts is something of real beauty. The image hasn't been color enhanced, this is their real bioluminescent appearance. 
This gives them an eerie, yet sublime, appearance. 

       bacteria on the surface of some human skin

Scanned Electron Microscopy (SEM) is one scientific technique that always generates stunning images. This one is no exception.
But what is it? This is an image of bacteria on the surface of some human skin.

      When you look it what first comes in your mind

Unless you've read the text associated with the image above, you might be surprised to hear that this is a closeup image of a lightbulb. Mesmerizing, we think you'll agree.

    Mouse’s Placentas Through Confocal Microscopy

If we let our imagination carry us away, the shapes that appear in the picture look like fossilized mandarine segments. But, believe it or not, what you see below is the developmental stages of mouse placentas. Yikes!
This image was obtained using confocal microscopy, also known as confocal laser scanning microscopy, which is an optical imaging technique meant to increase the optical resolution of an image

      Pig Eye Model Through 3D Printing

The image below was created through 3D printing, a technique that consists in building a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design model. This is usually carried out by adding material layer by layer. But what is this 3D object supposed to be?

Bones Through Computer-Generated Imagery

This picture, which was created through computer-generated imagery, is supposed to represent the symptoms generated by Chron’s disease, a chronic gastroenterological condition which produces weight loss and bone fragility. The picture is creepy, but at the same time impressive.

3D Model Of A Human Brain

If you take a glance at the image below, it kind of looks like an item made out of some sort of wool, right?This image is actually a 3D model of a human brain. But how was it created?

This image was made with a scan of a human brain using a 3D modeling technique called tractography. Tractographies are used to visually represent certain parts of the brain such as nerve tracts. What you see in this picture is actually white matter neural pathways which connect the two regions of the human brain responsible for language.


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