The Earth moves around the Sun (Why)

Appears to be straightforward , yet on the off chance that I'm right in understanding your inquiry, at that point it originates from the information that all articles pull things towards them, so how can it be that the Earth circles the Sun and not the a different way? Basically , on the grounds that the Sun is a request for size bigger than the Earth. The Sun is greater so haha I win you need to circle me, weak stone. Be that as it may, the fact of the matter is somewhat more profound than that. As a general rule, the Sun is as a lot of a captive to the laws of gravity as our own planet. Both the Sun and the Earth each circle a point between the two bodies, similarly as the Moon and Earth circle one another. Earth circling the Moon: Why you've never seen the Earth circling the Moon? Since that point between the two bodies I referenced before is such a great amount of nearer to the Earth (because of its bigger size) . So a lot nearer in certainty that it is practica...